Welcome to Terry SoRelle's Online Song Book
What Kind of Music is This?

Terry Age 10
The site is dedicated to the preservation of traditional music. My emphasis is on folk music from the English speaking world: United States, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Austrailia, but you'll also find selections from Mexico and Latin America; the Carribean region, Africa and many other places. Blues and early country music pieces are our most common offerings.
But not of my songs are strictly traditional. You will also find songs from popular music, jazz, country-western and world music here. I think of them all as folk music, music by and for plain folks.
To me, a piece qualifies as a folksong if it is easily performed by someone, like me, who is not a trained musicican or a world class popular singer. Whatever their authorship, you can made these songs your own. You can swap the a a sing-along or jam session. You can make your own version and pass it along to friends or family
Most of these songs are in the public domain, but many are currently protected by copyright. In these cases I believe inclusion of this music on our site falls under the "fair use" provisions of copyright law. No revenue what-so-ever is collected for either the text or performance videos that we include. No commercial advertising is allowed on the site.
That said, I realize that "fair use" is subject to interpretation. If anyone informs us of their belief that our use violates a legitimate copyright claim, we will remove the material immediately.
Giving Back: The Music Maker Foundation

We are deeply grateful to all those singers, writers and musicians, living and gone, who gave us this precious legacy of music. One good way to give back is to support The Music Maker Foundation
Music Maker meets the day-to-day needs of the artists who create traditional American music, ensures their voices are heard, and gives all people access to our nation’s hidden musical treasures. Grants to partner musicians help them keep roofs over their heads, food on their tables, instruments in their hands, and help them weather crises.
To donate, go here .
A Dedication
This site is dedicated to my family.
- My dad, Bernis S. SoRele
- My mom, Julia Evelyn Taylor SoRelle
- My brothers:
- John Christopher SoRelle (Chris)
- David Lawrence SoRelle (Pete)
- My wife Elizabeth Rosa Yeats
- My sons:
- Arion Glenn SoRelle
- Samuel Benjamin Schifman
- My sister in law: Lynda SoRelle
- My daughter in law: Pandora Frazier-Schifman
- My grandchilden
- Cassandra Schifman
- Arianna Schifman
- Brenon Schifman
- All my in-laws, nieces, and nephews: Freddy Frazier, Tyla Anne Burger, Edward Schifman, Susanne Laughlin, Jessamy SoRelle, Emmy SoRelle, Alida SoRelle, Annika SoRelle; the grand niece/nephews: Ezra, Elora , Elly, and Ely; Sister and brothers outlaw of the Frazier family: Jennifer, Ken and Martin. And to those numerous cousins and others in my extended family.
- And to my comrades and teachers in the world of folk music. They are members of my family as well.